Photos taken at Petone beach on a visit with my brother and his dog Georgie. taken using dslr camera and tweaked using camera raw and bridge, but like most of my photos I like to leave them looking like they do when they're taken.


Spectrum Sands


Accumulation II

The Waters Edge

Foam Waves


Walk the Plank into the Sunset

Tides In

All the Little Things


Buried II

Pink Mist

Sand Pools


Puppy Love

Puppy Love II
some more test shots using Dslr, Camera raw and adobe bridge.

The idea behind these Photoshopped images was to take out the art in each scene. Things that were made for mostly aesthetic reasons were whited out or made more opaque depending on how aesthetically based they were. This is in order to show just how much the world would be missing without art in it.

Room Close Up

Dining Room


Gallery I

Gallery I Transparent

Gallery II

Gallery II Transparent

Gallery III

Gallery III Transparent
since 2020 was the year covid hit, many of my works were limited by or about covid themes. there are a lot of self portrait studies in my drawing work as we were limited for models because of covid. other influences we worked from were other figurative media, such as posters or newspapers.

Newspaper Girl

Newspaper Girl Reborn



Three is the Magic Number



Quick Draw

Cosy Collage

James Dean Covidised

James Dean Covidised Close Up

Jacinda Under the Covid Weight
I decided to look at cornish fairytales for my studio work. I looked into Stories about Morgana and Merlin, King Arthur legends, and a midsummer nights dream. these works were hung in a class exhibition on massey COCA Campus.

Morgana and Merlin

Titiana and Puck

Fairy Practice Work

my interest in cornish myths morphed into my work seen below. I created an installation space that looked as if someone was creating a grimoire made up of cornish creatures. I also had audio running of a traditional cornish song (An culyek hos/ the mallard duck), which you can play while you look at the pictures of the work.